Zoom out so that you can see the following buildings:
-Sugar Quarry (Mandatory)
-Tree of Wishes (optional if you wish to complete wishes)
-Cookie houses (optional if you wish to collect exp jelly)
This is a good example:

Once you have your region set like above, start the bot and it'll start to gather & produce.
You can control what you want to produce or skip in the cookieRun-config.yaml file (This file can be found inside your conf > 5555 folder or whatever instance folder you have)
You can edit the above .yaml file using notepad or notepad++ (recommended)
In order for the bot to start Story mode make sure you choose "story_mode" in your cookieRun-settings file:

auto_play_next_stage = Bot will auto move to the next stage (default it'll play the next 3 stages)
repeat_stage = Bot will auto repeat the same stage (default it'll repeat it 3 times)
Ensure that you are at the battle screen before starting the bot: