Before you go further always make sure that you have the latest bot!
Bot usually auto updates for most people but just in case here's the direct ftp link:
Quick start video:
Note: Although this setup is for STFC game the setup is exactly the same for all games!
Please subscribe to our YouTube channel to get the latest bot addition & demo videos: ... sgd4T7mrLg
Note: In Bluestacks, if you're low on ram set your performance mode to low memory. For some users it has proved to be much more stable when botting.

-Load up Bluestacks > Enable ADB & Set the the following settings
-Each Instance you run you MUST do the same step (Enable ADB) and restart bluestacks

-Restart bluestacks & Log into the game of your choice
All of the below file extension will be .yaml - make sure to leave that extension. You can edit the files with Notepad or Notepad++ (Recommended)
-Open your conf folder > Rename login.example to login & put in your bot account info (Check your paypal email address)
-If you are using the FREE 1 hour trial: leave the default user & passowrd

NOTE: New bots are usually on the beta release
-Edit your game-settings.example - and configure it how you like (No need to rename it)
-loglevel: info (displays bot functions when the bot is running)
-loglevel: debug (generates logs while the bot runs, set this only when troubleshooting)

-Start pixelbotter and wait for the GUI to load (May take a few min)
-Log into the game of your choice (Zoom out in game if you can)
-Click SCAN and wait for the port scans, then click START

-The bot will save your game settings in the Port folder which it detected from BlueStacks
-If you need to make changes such as switching to debug mode go to your port folder eg: 5555 > Open eve-settings.yaml
(or which game you are botting) and change loglevel: debug
-If you are trying to bot multi instance make sure to enable adb on those instance as well
-Your game settings will be placed in your conf folder > Inside the port folder the game was detected in (eg: 5555)
-If you're running multi Instance - It might be a good idea to rename your BlueStacks instance to the same port name to easily manage your settings (Remember to enable ADB on all of your instances)