These are the requirements:
Enable ADB on the emulator of your choice (Don't forget to restart the emulator after)
-This is usually found in the settings / may very by emulators (google if you don't know)

Set the emulator display resolution to: 1280 x 720 Landscape (Tablet Mode)

Put the port range of your specific emulator in the login file (Found in the conf folder)
- Port range is usually displayed in the settings for eg: Bluestacks will show this info, for eg: Bluestacks ports start at 5555 and increases by 10 each time you create an instance so, 5565, 5575, etc.
In my case my port ranges start at 5555 and my last Instance port is 6005 therefore I've decided to set the range of 5555 - 6055 to cover some additional instance If I decide to make more.

Emulator ports:
-NOX emulator starts on port 62001
-LDPlayer uses the same port as bluestacks but requires additional tool: