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V2 bot still not working for me

Posted: Tue Mar 30, 2021 12:48 pm
by AlexiD12
Been using pixelbotter for STFC for about a year and V1 has worked well for me. Ive tried on several occasions to use V2 and it just doesn't work.

Let me clarify, I got it to work, it finds the game, it reads my config file and it Tries to work, but it just doesn't. Instead of targeting hostiles that are right there on screen it simply pauses and keeps going back to bookmarks over and over. Very frustrating.

So I've basically been using V1 and really want to like V2 as it doesn't use JAVA and is able to run on a 2nd monitor while the computer is able to be used, but really would like to hear other people who have it working, am I doing something wrong? I read all the FAQs.

Much appreciated.

Re: V2 bot still not working for me

Posted: Sun May 02, 2021 10:08 am
by Dragon1001
Es wird beschrieben im Video, das man gespeicherte Punkte setzen muss, im System wo man die NPC Schiffe angreifen will.
In jedem System, sind zwei blaue Ringe zu sehen.
Ich verteile entlang des großen Rings 8 Punkte wie bei einem Oktagon oder kannst das Beispiel des David Sterns nehmen.
An jede Spitze ein Punkt und einen in der Mitte.
Das sollte Funktionieren.
Auch wenn der die Schiffe um das Schiff herum ignoriert, fliegt der zu andere Schiffe.
Das ist ineffizient, aber es geht.

Re: V2 bot still not working for me

Posted: Fri May 21, 2021 11:02 am
by PiXeLBoTTeR
Everything is updated and working well. If you need assistance come by the chat room